Remote Workers Get Security and Responsiveness with IT Support Guys’ New User SKU3 Min Well Spent

A remote worker, accessing their company's network from home.

Are you prepared for a post-COVID technology world? We are.

When we opened our doors to the world in 2006, mobile devices were mostly BlackBerries, and nearly every business we worked with used servers and desktops as their primary hardware.

In 2021, clouds have mostly replaced the need for physical servers, laptops are more popular than desktops, and we can do more work from our smartphones. Road warriors and working from home were already becoming more commonplace, and when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, this capability became a necessity overnight.

A remote worker working from home. IT Support Guys asks employers if working from home is a part of their long-term plans, as remote work can cause serious security vulnerabilities.

What ensued was a global laptop shortage, leading many organizations to allow remote workers’ personal devices to access their corporate networks. The shift also created a security gap where previously secured networks and clouds were retrofitted to allow for personal devices to access corporate data.

While we don’t advise the use of unsecured devices to access your corporate data, we acknowledge our need to retain the flexibility to service our clients in times of need. As such, we’ve adapted as an organization to provide support for non-company-issued devices.

Today we would like to announce the expansion of our support offerings, allowing organizations like yours to subscribe to a hybrid support model. Not only can you purchase our SLA-backed support for corporate-owned devices, but under our new per-user-based pricing, your users can also gain instant access to our technicians should they face an urgent issue with a non-corporate-owned device.

2-Second Survey:
Has your business allowed access to company data using personal devices?

We are also expanding our cloud management support offering to ensure organizations that continue to provide remote devices with access to corporate data can implement zero-trust security protocols.

A managed cloud server from ITSG means you get advanced cloud scans that make sure everything is operating at full throttle, all the time. It also means proactive alerts that let you know when your mailbox is almost full, or if there is any suspicious login activity from your users.

This can be accomplished with a combination of tools like single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, conditional access policies, and the ability to wipe corporate data from personal devices without touching the rest of the device in question.

Our per-user support offering is not meant to be a replacement for following best practices like ensuring devices have encryption, endpoint security, patch management, remote wipe capabilities, and lost device tracking. Instead, our per-user support offering is meant to provide your users with the same level of responsiveness in times of need as those with a managed endpoint.

So, how do managed users work?

Your team of remote users gets a pool of usable service hours with our lightning-fast, 4-second-average hold time when calling for support. Billing approvals for end-user support would no longer be needed, which means bypassing account management and getting help faster.

While BYOD (bring your own device) can save companies money in the short term, those savings can quickly be erased long-term by a single security breach. As laptop supply levels begin to stabilize, we encourage you and your team to reconsider the use of unsecured access to your corporate data.

Two men shaking hands as IT Support Guys asks if you are behind on your cloud updates. ITSG can manage companies' cloud servers, saving those businesses some valuable time.

There are many ways to accomplish this, either through a virtual desktop, a terminal server, or simply implementing conditional access policies for specific apps. In our experience, purchasing a laptop that is properly configured with the above precautions is still the most cost-effective solution for employees and contractors alike.

Our per-user management combined with proactive cloud management and supplemental security techniques can help take your organization to the next level, while also allowing you to safely adapt to a post-COVID world.

Book a consultation with our virtual CIO today and find out how.

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