ITSG is thrilled to announce our new identity as Next Perimeter. At Next Perimeter, we continue to lead the way in cloud-first security, emphasizing zero trust architecture to safeguard your digital assets against modern-day threats. Contact your CIO for more details about our latest offerings.

Meet Compliance Standards Anytime, Anywhere

Effortlessly meets compliance standards and elevate your cybersecurity with Managed Compliance Services. We utilize a cloud-based, software-defined zero-trust network access that allows your business to meet compliance standards from anywhere at anytime.

Trust ITSG to help you meet your compliance standards.

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Discover the benefits of Managed Compliance Services:

Running a business is challenging.

Compliance doesn't have to be!

Leave compliance solutions to the experts at ITSG, we’ll help secure your patient data and sensitive financial information, like cardholder data and personally identifiable information (PII), from the ever-changing internal and external threat landscape.

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Compliance Services + More

Experience the ultimate plan that combines your essential IT-needs, security services, and helps you meet compliance standards.

Gain all the benefits of Copilot Essentials and Copilot Protect, amplified by an unwavering focus on IT security compliance. From SOC-2 to HIPAA/HITECH and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, rest assured that your regulatory needs are not only met but exceeded. With meticulous attention to compliance intricacies, our comprehensive solution ensures your data’s security, your customers’ privacy, and your peace of mind.

Enterprise-level Compliance

Need to make sure you’re meeting governance, risk, and compliance standards? 

ITSG will help elevate your compliance strategy, merging Governance, Risk, and Compliance in a streamlined approach. Our cloud-based platform simplifies security assessments and compliance management by centralizing frameworks, requirements, and reporting. Experience comprehensive control, reduced complexity, and heightened efficiency, as we help you navigate complex regulations with ease.

Man with grey dress shirt smiling with orange circle graphic behind him. Logo for governance, risk management, and compliance in top left. Logo for national institute of standards and technology in top right. Logo for hippa hitech compliant in bottom left. Logo for SOC-2 certified bottom right.
Never trust, always verify with Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Zero trust security model includes devices, identities, network, data, infrastructure, and applications. Man in a suit and white dress shirt smiling. Orange circle graphic behind photo of the man in a suit.

Next Generation Firewall

Say goodbye to traditional firewalls and regain control in the era of remote work.

Meet compliance standards from anywhere with our Next Generation Firewall. Our next generation firewall provides:

  1. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
  2. Content Filtering
  3. Secure DNS
  4. Intrusion Prevention
  5. Malware Protection

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) offers unparalleled connectivity, security, and access control for your distributed workforce, ensuring a seamless, user-centric experience. Step into a new dimension of network security and productivity.

Private and Invisible Network

Transform the way your organization connects and secures data by blending advanced security with unparalleled visibility.

Experience the power of a private and invisible Network through our cutting-edge SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) solution. With SASE, you’ll create a network that’s both invisible to threats and private for your operations, ensuring a secure and seamless experience for your workforce across the digital landscape.

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Quarterly Business Reviews with a CISO

We keep you in the loop by providing quarterly business reviews with a dedicated Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). 

Their expert insights help identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and develop proactive security strategies. With their guidance, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your cybersecurity posture, enabling informed decisions to safeguard sensitive data, ensuring resilience against emerging cyber challenges and a protected digital environment for your business. 

This proactive approach enhances compliance adherence, minimizes potential threats, and fosters a culture of security awareness. 

Copilot Fortify

Unlocking Your Complete Package, Everything You Need and More!

Our Compliance Features

Check all the boxes. Copilot Fortify simplifies security assessments and compliance management by consolidating frameworks, requirements, and reporting in a cloud-based platform.

Ditch the firewall and take back control in today’s world of remote work. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) provides superior connectivity, security, and access control for distributed workforces, all while providing a seamless, positive experience for your team.

The Cybersecurity Expert’s Cybersecurity Solution. Experience rapid, protected, and dependable connectivity to your data, devices, networks, and cloud environments while eradicating the expenses, intricacies, and vulnerabilities associated with perimeter-based solutions.

Take detection and response to the next level with continuous 24/7 protection. We will investigate every alert for suspicious activity, isolate hosts, if compromised, and notify you only when a threat is real.

Impossible travel alerts. Geofencing. Our systems catch imposters and bad actors in the act, based on flagged behaviors. Our cloud identity protection service is unrivaled.

ITSG handles all of the licensing, administration, group management, training video selection and more. Leverage our industry benchmarks to ensure your security training program adheres to best practices and meets compliance requirements.

Your CISO will work cross-functionally to support your business goals. Going beyond just insights into your environment, the CISO will assist with planning, budgeting, reporting, and compliance for your business.

Put down the storage cost calculator. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when you’ll need a restore. We make sure all important data is backed up, monitored, and available when you need to restore it. (With military-grade encryption!)

Real techs on speed dial. No automated systems or offshore teams reading scripts. Unlimited driver updates, issue resolution, and remote troubleshooting for your workstations, SaaS, and the Cloud IDs therein.

Are disks filling up or dying?

We’ll hear about it and call you before you notice. Our experts flag assets near end-of-life and help you replace them. Avoid downtime, improve performance, and extend the lifespan of all your important systems.

Great documentation is the secret weapon of great IT service. We write and keep your docs updated for you – speeding up issue resolution, ensuring on-time license renewals, and more.

Your OS and third-party apps are always at their safest. We make sure updates are deployed successfully and at a time that won’t slow you down. Check-off boxes on those pesky cybersecurity questionnaires.

Leverage our experience over thousands of deployments for best-in-class purchases that won’t frustrate you. We partner with the most trustworthy, innovative names in tech. Plus, we will handle communication for you.

You need your endpoints to stay working. We’ll get a tech to your door within a business day – anywhere in the US when following our design recommendations. Should a replacement be required, we will handle the RMA process for you.

Flexible Hybrid Plans Based on Identities and Devices.

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Identity Protection & Support

Need essential cloud identity protection and support for your users?

Your cloud identities (and users) will receive unlimited cloud support, backups, and compromised user protection.

Orange computer monitor. IT workstation setup services.
Device Protection & Support

Need IT services to support your workstations? 

Gain access to best-in-class Endpoint Protection & Response, Next Gen Antivirus, Patch Management, Proactive Performance & Management, Warranty management and much more. 

Orange icon of user workstations and monitors. IT user and workstation setup services.
Identity & Workstation Protection & Support Bundle

The best of both worlds! 

The ideal setup for most organizations. One computer per agent, with all of the essential security out of the box for both. The bundle unlocks the full range of features for your team. 

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Get Your IT Survival Guide

The IT landscape is rapidly evolving, but we're here to help. Stay current with the best insights, resources and best practices to keep your business flowing with our IT Survival Guide.
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HIPAA/HITECH Compliance​

The escalating risk factors tied to cyber threats have placed mounting pressure on health organizations to be HITECH & HIPPA compliant. 

ITSG will guide you through the dense compliance process to ensure patient data remains rigorously protected. Our tailored solutions address every requirement, from data encryption to access controls, guaranteeing that your healthcare institution operates with the highest level of HITECH & HIPAA compliance, bolstering patient trust and organizational integrity.

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SOC 2 Compliance

High-profile data breaches are becoming more common these days. Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Compliance safeguards an organization’s customer data from threats such as unauthorized access and security incidents.

ITSG brings the expertise, resources and experience needed to align your IT environment with the rigorous standards set by SOC 2 and enhance your organization’s data security practices.

SOC 2 Compliance is an ongoing effort. ITSG can help you establish processes for continuous improvement, adapting to new threats and changes in your business environment.

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NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is a widely recognized set of guidelines to manage and reduce cybersecurity risks.

With ITSG your organization can leverage our expertise to effectively implement and align with NIST CSF.

This collaboration ensures a holistic approach to cybersecurity that encompasses risk management, threat detection, incident response, and ongoing improvement, all of which are essential aspects of NIST CSF.